Poster pitches and poster session 2

Poster pitches and poster session 2

Analysis of differential genomic interactions between experimental conditions in capture Hi-C data: Sharing data between neighbouring restriction fragments

GeDi - improving gene set distances accounting for network-based information

Streamlining LC-MS/MS Data Analysis in R with Open-Source *xcms* and *RforMassSpectrometry*: An End-to-End Workflow

iSEEfier: Starting to use iSEE became even easier

Deciphering Organ-Specific Lipid Signatures in Zebrafish with a Spatial Lipidomics Pipeline

atena: an R/Bioconductor package for the analysis of transposable elements

CENTRE: A Bioconductor package for cell type specific enhancer-promoter prediction

Benchmark of single-cell batch correction methods available in the R and Python ecosystems.

Unsupervised learning techniques detect clinically relevant structure in human gut microbiota

Trajectory-based differential expression analysis for single cell proteomics data with msqrob2

Inferring residue resolved hydrogen deuterium exchange using Rex

NetworkHub: a one-stop-shop to retrieve and use protein-protein interaction network data in Bioconductor

Facilitating multi-omic analyses in microbiome research with MultiAssayExperiment

mosdef: a collection of MOSt frequently used and useful Differential Expression Functions

Pancancer network analysis reveals key master regulators for cancer invasiveness

SAMURAI: Shallow Analysis of copy nuMber alterations Using a Reproducible And Integrated bioinformatics pipeline