Pathway-centric analyses of omics data with GSVA

Pathway-centric analyses of omics data with GSVA

Author(s): Axel Klenk,Robert Castelo

Affiliation(s): Universitat Pompeu Fabra

GSVA ( is an R/Bioconductor package that enables pathway-centric analyses of data produced by high-throughput molecular profiling technologies. The interpretation of biological findings from such data is one of the cornerstones of biomedical research, and GSVA facilitates that goal by performing a conceptually simple but powerful change in the functional unit of analysis, from genes to gene sets. GSVA has undergone major improvements in the recent releases in its user interface and documentation, efficiency, robustness and stability, and its support for single-cell and spatially resolved transcriptomics data. We will demonstrate these latest features and how GSVA integrates with other Bioconductor analysis workflows.