Navigating and expanding the iSEE universe

Navigating and expanding the iSEE universe

Author(s): Kevin Christophe Rue-Albrecht,Charlotte Soneson,Federico Marini,Aaron Lun

Affiliation(s): MRC WIMM Centre for Computational Biology, MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

iSEE (interactive SummarizedExperiment Explorer) is a software package that produces an interactive, multi-purpose, and thoroughly configurable user interface for exploring any type of biological data stored in a SummarizedExperiment object. Thanks to its modular framework, a number of extension packages have been developed, adding new visualisations and functionality for both app developers and end-users. In this package demo, we will briefly showcase the end-user experience of the interactive user interface, before demonstrating how extension packages can be developed to add new panels, pages, and modes to the user interface. The widespread use of the SummarizedExperiment class and its derivative classes in the Bioconductor community makes iSEE a natural solution for the exploration and sharing of many types of biological data sets, as well as a promising candidate for the community-driven development of further extension packages.