The EuroBioC2024 conference will take place in Oxford, United Kingdom, on September 4-6, 2024.

Venue: Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, 24-29 St Giles, Oxford, United Kingdom. Lower ground floor conference suite.

Carpentries workshops will take place at the same venue on September 2-3, 2024, subject to a separate registration process.

Flashtalk submissions welcome - more information here

Mark your calendar

Bioconductor Mastodon feed
  • February 1: Call for abstracts opens.
  • April 26 (5pm BST): Call for abstracts closes.
  • May 8: Notification of abstract decision.
  • May 8: Registration opens for speakers of accepted abstracts.
  • May 15: General registration opens.
  • August 12 or when places are sold out: Registration closes.
  • September 2-3, 2024: Carpentries workshops: Registration open!
  • September 4-6, 2024: The EuroBioC2024 conference.

Carpentries workshops available:
  • Introduction to R and Bioconductor
  • Introduction to the Bioconductor project
  • RNA-seq analysis with Bioconductor

Register now to secure your spot!

Invited speakers

Florian Markowetz

Professor, University of Cambridge

Florian Markowetz is Professor of Computational Oncology at the University of Cambridge and Senior Group Leader at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute. He received a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and a CRUK Future Leader in Cancer Research prize. He holds degrees in Mathematics (Dipl. math.) and Philosophy (M.A.) from the University of Heidelberg and a Dr. rer. nat. in Computational Biology from Free University Berlin, for which he was awarded an Otto-Hahn Medal by the Max Planck Society. He is a co-founder and director at Tailor Bio, a genomics start-up developing a pan-cancer precision medicine platform.


Altuna Akalin

Group Leader, Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine

Altuna Akalin is a bioinformatics scientist and the head of Bioinformatics and Omics Data Science Platform at the Berlin Institute of Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center in Berlin. He has been developing computational methods for analyzing and integrating large-scale genomics data sets since 2002. He mainly uses machine learning and statistics to uncover patterns related to important biological variables such as disease state and type. He spent some time in the USA, Norway, Turkey, Japan, and Switzerland in order to pursue research work and education related to statistics, machine learning and bioinformatics.

The underlying aim of his current work is utilizing complex molecular signatures to provide decision support systems for disease diagnostics and biomarker discovery. In addition to the research efforts and managing a scientific lab, since 2015, he has been organizing and teaching at computational genomics courses in Berlin with participants from across the world.


Laura Symul

Junior professor, Stanford (USA) / UCLouvain (Belgium)

Laura Symul is an Assistant Professor in non-clinical biostatistics at UCLouvain. She obtained her Ph.D. in computational biology from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, where she modeled the molecular regulation of the circadian clock. As a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, she started her current line of research, developing and applying statistical methods to address gaps in women’s health. This includes research on fertility, cycle-related symptoms, and drivers of changes in vaginal microbiota communities, analyzing and integrating self-tracked data (digital health) and multi-omics data. She joined UCLouvain as a Francqui fellow.


Agne Antanaviciute

Junior Group Leader, University of Oxford

I am a junior group leader in computational biology at the MRC Center for Computational Biology and MRC Translational Immune Discovery Unit at MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford. My research interests lie at the intersection of computational biology and human immunology, in particular in the applications of ‘omics, single cell and spatial technologies for the better understanding of tissue microenvironment, local tissue dynamics and cellular interactions, how they are established during development, and the molecular perturbations and tissue remodelling that occurs in disease states, in particular in autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions. In order to address these types of questions, my research focuses on inter-disciplinary expertise in both biology and computational biology to both to extract relevant biological insights from complex datasets and to develop domain-tailored machine learning models and novel computational methods for high-dimensional sequencing data analysis.


Virginie Uhlmann

Director, BioVisionCenter

Virginie Uhlmann is the Director of the BioVisionCenter at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), a newly-created structure that aims to facilitate the development of open-source tools for the processing of complex bioimage datasets. She is also a Visiting Group Leader at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK), where she was the Deputy Head of Research until early 2024. Her main research interest is quantitative bioimage analysis, with a focus in approximation theory, machine learning, computational geometry, and statistical shape analysis. Aside from research, she is passionate about building bioimage analysis capacity and connecting together the various scientific communities interested in bioimaging.


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